Rare Amazing Photos of City Without Its Residents, Jakarta

We always knew and aware that every single city, especially one nation's capital city is never quiet, but here i wanna share with you all a rare amazing photos of a city without its residents, it's in Jakarta. 
Please do take note that this photos is not taken by me, and it is also 100 percent real photos, not photoshoped at all.
But the real question is how come? because as we all know Jakarta is one of the busiest city in Asia if not in the world. But how can people take this photos? when did they have taken a photo in the most passed route by its residents without any of them seen in the photo? this is truly amazing, we should all give great credit to the photograper, he/she really knows how to snap a special photos.
Ok now let's take our time and think about when could possibly this photos have been taken? on what occasion? is it when Obama comes to visit the country a while ago? Or maybe everyone has been evacuated to another country because of the spreading some kind of virus? who knows? remember the movie 28 days later and 28 weeks later, it was exactly like this. The answer is it happens in the celebration of Idul Fitri, this is because Indonesia is a moslem majority country, that's why.
Ok, here goes the photos, check it out:
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents
rare photos, jakarta city without its residents 
Pretty amazing huh, i myself cannot believe there could be this rare amazing photos of city without its residents, especially Jakarta, man what a nice view ^_^

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